Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tips - Job Interview

Tips - Job Interview. For job seekers who have reached the stage of the interview, maybe this is the most exciting news. Because the opportunity is at hand received. But do not get too excited in advance, precisely this stage of the toughest interviews. If you are going to face an interview, you will get to share the questions that will be thrown. The question is will know how your thinking, your intelligence, your personality, and others. Eat a lot of applicants are rejected because only an interview.
For that we will discuss a good job interview tips. This will help facilitate you in the face of the interview.

1. Know your place 

First you have to prepare is to identify the place of your interview. This will help you avoid gerogi time of the interview or you will relax during the interview place. Suggested a few days before the interview, you already know the place, even see the place.

2. Preparation 

You should carefully in preparation for the interview. Haal prepare the following:a. Prepare your mentalityb. Prepare your attitudec. Prepare your appearance that looks interestingd. Prepare a time so as not to late for the interviewe. Prepare the words you'll say

3. Identify questions 

Identify questions to be asked of you. It could be you will find a trick question, motivation, interests, general, and others. Therefore, to get to know these questions will help you in answering a question that would be difficult. It will anticipate you in the wrong answer.

4. Establishment of a strong 

Do not be timid. Affirm your establishment, An interviewer dozens of candidates in a day. What will she remembers is that stand out and can convey the opinions and stance is interesting. So you should first take the time to write down the strengths and skills and your achievements, so you are better prepared when presenting yourself in front of prospective employers.

5. Bring small notes 

This will help you remember some important things that happened during the interview. Write down the answers and questions that came out during the interview. Do not be shy in this regard, because it helps you remember and you will look provesional.

Exercises before the presentation 

If you are asked to present your material, keep contentnya to keep it simple but firm. Do not be too fast or too long in the finish to give an answer. Taking time to practice in front of a mirror will help you get your timing response.

7. Prepare questions

In the end of the interview you will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Use this opportunity to find out things you may not understand. such as employment prospects, job-related training programs that you want or career opportunities, and so forth. But, do not suddenly attacked with questions.

Perform follow-up 

After the interview finished, when you are about to leave the interview room, do not forget the eye contact and smile. If you are interested in the job, send a letter within 24 hours stating your interest is. On the way home, a time to write a draft letter by utilizing the record and your memory while it is fresh. By sending a follow-up letter as soon as possible will show interest and sincerity you and can provide added value in the eyes of the interviewer himself.

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