Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tips on Successful New Employee

Tips on Successful New Employee. Received an employee in the company is the most fun. But do not like it, because a new struggle begins. There are a few tips for new employees to be successful in the company. Here are tips we can give:  

1. Respecting culture
If your company, in accordance with its industrial character, requiring employees to wear formal dress to the office, then there is no reason for you to "desperate" casual. In other words, when entering a new office, notice how people behave and interact with each other. Learn the rules are unwritten, but practiced by all those around you.

2. Open yourself to mingle
Many things related to internal business processes that may be unfamiliar to you. During the first months of work, try to open up, talk to your teammates to understand the various processes and procedures. You have the opportunity to give input, but get used to the trust and respect from the team.

3. Know the duties and obligations
Meet the manager or direct supervisor, and discuss the scope of your work. Ask a question, for example, what the priorities and current issues that I need to know? How often and in what form I need to update reports on the project? How will my performance be evaluated?Clear understanding of these things will help you work more effectively.

4. Know when to get help
Another factor that determines your success as a new employee is a willingness to be frank when you need help. If you tend to do it all yourself, without ever asking though is having problems, then you will easily make mistakes.

5. Learn the styles of communicating, take the time to socialize and be ready for things that are urgent
There are bosses who prefer to be emailed, there is also a priority to communication over the phone. Learn the differences like that. As a new employee, you will be busy and definitely have a tendency to show that you are hardworking and diligent. However, do not let it make you forget to hang out with friends work together. And, be employees who are ready to go to sudden calls from employers.

6. Request valuation
Official evaluation may be conducted every three or even six months later. But, you can ask your supervisor or manager to provide an assessment in the first month, on an informal basis. Discuss what is missing from your performance.
Do not worry if you they have not been so steady with your position. Indeed, it takes time to feel confident and "secure" against your work. As long as you are borne in trying to take steps proatif to adapt to the work environment, and contribute positively, then you are on the right path to become a valuable team member.

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