Friday, September 9, 2011

Become Leader on Working

Become Leader on Working. LEADERSHIP : A good leader knows how to solve the problem, and can recognize when to ask for help to others. Events that involve your colleagues in the office can help improve morale and working relationships. 

Each company in dire need of a capable leader and has strong skills.
Here are suggestions on how to become a leader in the organization you manage, and how to make yourself become increasingly valuable.

1. Notify Supervisor Subordinate When doing a good job

If someone does a remarkable job, notify their supervisor. Often communication with face to face the results are good, even an e-mail can be effective. Notify appropriate supervisor if committed by subordinates have a maximum or far above normal standards. This will affect the increased status of employees in the workplace and often so, and employees will eventually realize who give awards and recommendations.

2. Willing and Eager To Collaborate With Teams 

I used to be a loner and tend to avoid jobs that involve teamwork. Although I finally realized that working in teams is the only best opportunity to build strong relationships with the people around you. The more you participate in the team it will be more and more that will see you as a reliable and trustworthy.

3. Take Part In Team - But Do not Be Dictator 

My approach is very simple. If I was part of a newly formed team, I will immediately determine the pace and make plans, then send it to others to consider. Unless someone tore it up, generally more or less this will be a plan and I will become a recognized leader of the group.
You usually talk for those who are shy to speak up or express ideas, and they feel like you do when you're not forced about it. Normally I would do something like put a rough plan and told them, 'This is my idea for how we deal with this. What do you all? "

4. Also Celebrating Achievement and Job Performance Bottoms 

A man who once worked with me has a calendar where he kept his birthday his friends and two kinds of their favorite products from the vending machine. On the birthday of his friend, he went to the machine and put $ 2 into it, then handed to his can of soda and a pack of snacks which are two of the friends and favorite products with a wide smile said, "Happy birthday!".
This is a small thing, but has deep meaning and very wise. No wonder if he is well liked by friends in the group and often their opinions are heard and respected whenever he had an idea or plan. Also not surprisingly, he did very well in his present life.
Take two minutes to recognize what has been achieved and the spotlight the lives of others. If you can, watch and explore their experiences. Find a way to make everyone smile. Do this and you will always win.

5. Resolving Problems Until Completed 

If you find a problem that can easily break, eating solve it. Do not worry about the political connotations or something like that. If someone comes to you with a problem and you feel able to solve it without too much effort, then finish the matter to its conclusion.
The more often you resolve problems that exist, the more people see you as a source of answers to problem solving and the more they will listen to your advice or whatever you say.

6. Ask for Help 

Sometimes there are times when you need help. Some people are afraid to show weakness and avoid asking for help unless absolutely essential. It is not unreasonable and will not be efficient. If there are certain elements that can be committed by others is much easier than you can, get some help to them (unless, of course, it will add work for them). If you have consistently helped others, by themselves they will help you.

7. Create Event Involving Employees 

Be someone who can embrace the group for lunch. Involve yourself in work planning the office party - or even become president. Plan a party for people who will soon leave office. This does not mean you have to do it all yourself, but develop your own plan. People will see you as someone who takes charge - and such an event is easy to attract others to work together.

8. Put forward suggestions Useful 

In a busy world, it is very easy to say, "looks good!" when someone wants feedback on something. Instead, try to meditate for 10 minutes and point out three things that can support the improvement. Before you express your suggestions, dahulukanlah with honors, then pointed out three suggestions in a clear and positive as possible, and end by saying something such as a desire to change something very good into something really great.
If your suggestion is really helpful, they'll come back to see you as someone who could be relied upon even in a difficult situation though.

9. Tell me honestly - do not Sifting through word 

When you are asked for an opinion, say honestly, do not sort out the words. Your honest opinion is much more valuable than pretending to agree - even if it's bad, you should not feel offended. I usually try their best praise, but if there are serious problems with what I see, I'll say. If it does not say it will hurt co-workers (because they present a poor opinion) but from the point of association, will hurt you (because you told them a poor opinion of this good when it finally is like throwing an egg to their faces).
These little things, when done every day it will make you indirectly become indispensable in the workplace, and as a person, people will see you as being a leader.

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