Thursday, September 8, 2011

Keep Stamina When Working - Part 1

Keep Stamina When Working. Most people every day is always doing something that is routine and scheduled. And in the long term, this situation can make us sick and tired of daily routine. How tips around this so that we can always be fresh and stamina is always awake. How can we not get stuck with a routine that ultimately make us bored?

1. Work Routine That Boring? 

Interesting up-pull a job, if done regularly over a period of time, will inevitably lead to boredom. How to solve this? Everyone who works, must perform a routine, first in terms of time, to come at home so all these hours. This is experienced by everyone. Then the second is because his work routine, each coming to work, do the same thing every day. It becomes something that can not be released while we work.

And this is the problem faced by all people as workers or employees.And then how to make a routine job into something valuable for us not to saturate? One thing that is important is that we must understand that work is a process of self-glorification. This became the basis for the work we do into something we like. Case in point, some say "Actually I do not like working here, but because waiting for the others, so I keep working here" Things like this, even if they were routine, then it will burn out because we do not enjoy there.

2. Factors Contributing to BurnoutIs the cause of saturation, in addition to routine problems?

Perhaps there are other things that cause saturation at the job, even though we love the job?
At work, we are not allowed to develop ideas that are the foundation as a human being. Man is basically always want to change from time to time. And as in the work we are not likely to change. In theory Aki "alienation" or "alliance" is a condition, which we like a machine.

We are merely a small part of a system or machine, which finally after a long time that human nature will be lost. From there the end of conflict between us as human beings with a function that considers our work tasks as machines. There should be development we can do, nothing happens. It's one thing that causes burnout or boredom.But on the other hand, if we look at the work, how we love our job. There is a story about an employee of a hotel, even though he work only checked the hotel door by the hundreds, but this is a routine job.

Door five-star hotels were often passed by the manager or person who has a reputation. He checked every day to avoid problems. This is a love of the job, so that our stamina in working awake. This is important, including the driver who work daily menyopir. How stamina while working awake so that we do not underestimate the job, although his work is only memorization.

3. Is the salary is the main source of staminain the works? 

Is it true that salaries are a source of stamina for routine work? In the work there are stimulants that must be considered or stimuli that can be raised. Stimulation that is economical and non-economical. Not only salary, but also other facilities. Suppose if I'm working, my old age insurance should be met, so I'm not worried anymore. At the time I work, the family had no health insurance. Then when I perform there is an increase or a better promotion. 

It's also one thing that makes us relieved routines.But we must be careful, because of its implications, if any reward there must be punishment. So when we want to kill the jobs that we have loved, we try to work within a system that is his reward, but must always remember, there must also exist punishment. So the next time we are a full routine of this development there is a problem, rather than forward, but we have gone wrong.

This means that when we do something, we try to innovate, but innovation does not produce good, even bring up something negative and it's outside the norm that we do. Then we also must be ready to receive punishment.I think that must be recognized by us as a professional worker is not only rewards, but also we must accept punishment with legowo, so we are not just as a machine, but also as human beings who need stimulated with various stimuli. Suppose a child is stimulated with a child's diet, with foods that smell appetizer, but after a long time the child is too tired. Want other foods. In their work, things like that we see also, eg, in this excitement is any worker who excel, so it will be a bonus. But next month arousal may be different. The nature of this economic stimulus is important.But if compared with the work done by the white color or white collar, they are in terms of salary is not no problem, facilities are also not a problem. So what is the problem? So he is not saturated with his work, he finally involved in the decision making process.  

He feels it will continue to enjoy, because every problem there, he'll always be involved. This is an important mechanism in the work so that employees do not experience boredom. Imagine if every meeting just to listen to orders or dhawuh, we do not have authority to speak. It would be different if the stimulant had was how we were given the opportunity. Even in our tradition, people who propose means of implementing something.This is one model that can be done, a stimulant it can vary, but that sadly do not imagine that if the work is not routine, to be unhappy, because there is a happy routine work. When viewed from different types of jobs, many women who like routine. For example in cigarette factories, they were rolling cigarettes every day or keep a job as a store. There are aspects of patience here, so kejenuhannya very high level.

Indeed the work of its challenges, will be key that we be not saturated. But in many companies there is such a situation to break the ice.There is a facility that is possible so that the rhythm of his work is very dense, regular and full of risk becomes saturated. It was also not made sufficiently high stress and eventually emerged saturation. So I suggest to the owner of the company to create activities that make the atmosphere work is not boring. Can the spiritual side or the side of the sport or the other side of that is rather strange. In the big cities for example, every Friday night, they immediately go to work looking for entertainment or clubbing.

For some people, this is something quite important.In Japan, Friday night is the night for fun, they can confide to his friends to eliminate fatigue. In developed countries, is also a very important thing. If in our country that his stress levels low, but Saturday and Sunday are also stagnant or constant, which makes us quickly saturated. But because our culture is not explosive. Experiencing saturation, remained silent. This is what makes the dynamics in the office, our work becomes low. But we are still so many, happy with the same thing and are not happy with the leaps up high. It must have been the challenge for us.

4. Can Music As drug Saturated ? 

As a remedy against boredom, I sometimes listen to music, but the leadership did not allow us to do it while working, what's the solution?Based on this research, when people are driving alone, preferably while listening to music, as this will reduce the level of tensions when there is congestion (traffic hours). At the office, if we work behind a computer, we can put on headphones, so as not to disturb others. But if we work in direct service to the customer, this can not be done. So with the activity of listening to music, do not lower the tension, but instead interfere with the performance, let alone disrupt the customer, ultimately even counterproductive. This could cause us to be not a good image. Suppose we are serving customers, while our mouths hummed a song.

Employees do not feel bored, but at the same time could not keep the image. This thing must be understood together.At work we must be professional and show the ability to work optimally. But rather than highlight the "ego" we. In a sense, there are like-minded "if I work, like when I was in the bathroom". Things like this we can not do and should be avoided when dealing with customers. We must be careful, because now a customer complaint to the leadership will direct us if we get a disappointing service.We must understand how to deal with the tedious routine work, and can enjoy it well, without harming other stakeholders. This is not a matter of "music", but its placement problem. If we work behind the scenes and does not deal directly with consumers is not a problem.

5. Working with a High UncertaintyAs a part-time workers, with work hours from 7 am to 7 pm, I was bored with daily activities, how to solve it?
 I can capture two things, first he worked with a very dense, but very high degree of uncertainty. Then the second, he worked on a particular day, from morning till night, but the next day, there may be no jobs. So that the rhythm of his work happens to high leaps. Two cases illustrate that work with high uncertainty, make us not enjoy, so easily bored, not because of continuous work, but saturated because of its uncertain rhythm, no longitudinal or steady. "If this continues to be uncertain". I so can not enjoy the job, can not make planning how I should anticipate the job.

Continue to Part 2

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