Thursday, September 8, 2011

What is the difference between CV and Resume?

What is the difference between CV and Resume? Perhaps there are those who can not distinguish between CV and Resume. In this article we will explain the difference so that visitors can understand.. The main difference Curriculum Vitae (CV) and resume lies in the length, content, and purpose. Resume is a short summary (one or two pages) contains a summary of your skills, your experience and your education. The goal is to provide resume writing something that is compact and solid, because, the reader resumes had little time to look at your qualifications.

CV is a longer version (more than two pages), which is a more detailed synopsis. Here include a summary of academic and educational background and research experience and teaching you, all publications, presentations, awards, affiliations, and other details.

What should be included in a CV?

Like a resume, your CV should include your name, contact information, education, expertise, and your experience. For additional information, can be included teaching and research experience, publications, scholarships, professional licenses, awards and all other information relevant to the position you are applying.

Start by making a list of all such information, then arranged according to its category. Make sure you include dates on all the publications you show.

When using a CV?

American CV is used when applying for positions in research, scientific, educational, and academic, or when applying for a scholarship. Just as a resume, you will need version of CV different to apply at different positions.

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