Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Exercise While Working ? Why Not ?

Exercise While Working ? Why Not ? Our bodies do not stand still for long. The longer you are in the same position, the greater the tension at that point. For those of you who run "stuck" behind the desk, it is worth doing 'sport' while sitting or standing. No special tools are required. You can even do it every two hours. 

One thing to remember, this sport would streamline the body or build muscle. The goal is to reduce muscle tension, and maintaining flexibility and muscle strength you have now.
Here are some forms of exercises that can be tried in the workplace. Breathe normally while flexing the body and finish off each movement with a long, deep breath. Congratulations exercise during the day!

Gymnastics Home
Movement is simple and can be done while working on the pile of reports that had been waiting for. The trick, your head up. To stretch the cheek, move your mouth as if you're saying the letter aiueo. to stretch the eye and dhi, cover your mouth tightly, then close your eyes with a vengeance. Hold 5 seconds, then release. Do it over and over again to your heart. 

Gymnastics Neck
Enforce the body, head tilted to the right as far as possible, then to the left, forward (chin away from the throat), and backward (sticking with the back of neck). Repeat two times for each movement. 

Gymnastics Shoulders
Place two fingers on both shoulders, elbows leads to the side. Pull elbows back as far as possible, and push forward so that both ends of the elbow meets the chest. Repeat 10 times. Then bring the fingers of both hands, pull the hand above her head. Hold 5 seconds, repeat 10 times. 

Gymnastics Wrist
Keep your hands off the keyboard. Grasp the top left hand with right hand. Press gently until your left wrist sounds 'click'. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the same movement to the right hand.

Legs Gymnastics
The feet are the foundation of the body. Therefore, keeping it supple to prevent disease in the upper body. On the movement of the feet, you should stand. Both legs slightly widened, then lift one leg on a chair. Keep your back straight while bending the body and the hands reach your toes. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the same movement with the other leg. 

Gymnastics Thigh
Sit back, put your hands under your right thigh. Pull your knees toward your chest, then straighten your right leg as far as possible. Repeat this movement with the left foot. Do it 3-5 times for each leg 

Finger Legs Gymnastics
This movement can be done while seated. The second loose footwear, Squeeze your feet to the floor. Lift the heel (such as standing on tiptoe), lasting 10 seconds. Return to starting position. Lift your toes until only your heels touching the floor, hold also 10 seconds.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

5 Ways of Working Time Build Efficiency

5 Ways of Working Time Build Efficiency. WANT to have a longer life? Immediately reduce your working hours from now, to avoid the risk of heart disease that lurks every time. How many hours each day whether you spend the time to undergo routine at the office? Normally maybe 8 hours a day in accordance with established office hours and more companies. However, since the tightness of the job you have, not infrequently cosmopolitan lot more hours to over 10 hours. Are you among them? If so, you should immediately reduce the habit. Spent more than 11 hours a day to work can result in heart attack risk by 67 percent. Well, if you do not want to age more quickly trimmed, immediately re-arrange your work time. Here's a guide that you can do, as written Idiva. 

Check e-mail via BlackBerry 
Do a brief review of the work via e-mail that went on when you travel to the office. People need a quick reply e-mail on the work they cast. Sort through before you start work so you can save at least half an hour.  

Create a list of work 
Maybe some people often forget this. Making a priority list of work will allow you to do it, and to shorten work time. This way you can prioritize the various agendas that you consider most important. 

Minimize time work
Every time you walk to the copier, do not get stuck listening to the latest gossip in the office. The less you struggle with things that are not important, the more time left to maximize your job. And of course, you can leave work early. 

Avoid eating lunch outside the office 
Lunch is too out of the office will make you feel weak and ultimately hamper productivity. Eating a salad chicken / egg or a sandwich and a glass of fruit juice is the best option to restore the lost power. Tip, avoid outdoor lunch during work hours. These activities will only make you late back to work and lead to a variety of work that needs immediate treatment to be abandoned.  

Change the meeting night to the afternoon 
If you have an appointment with a client's office, should be scheduled in the afternoon, ie, around 16:00 pm or 17:00 pm. By scheduling this agenda, you will complete all the activities of the office before that hour. As a result after the meeting finished, you can immediately rushed home.

Often late For Work? Avoid This Factor

Often late For Work? Avoid This Factor. Constantly embarrassed superiors reprimanded because often come late to the office? It's time to change these bad habits and learn to be more timely.
An important first step is to identify the cause you come too late. Thus, it will be easier to figure out what must be changed. There are many reasons that cause someone was too late. Here are some of the most common factors:

Sleep late 

If you get too tired in the morning because it was too long late nights, it's good to go to bed early. Many people do not get enough sleep. In fact, lack of sleep can suck the happiness and your health. Enough sleep is really important for everyone.

Work overtime 

Apparently, this is one of the common causes of delay. If you try to reply to an e-mail again, or make one more homework before going to bed, you'll be tempted to finish other jobs so late to bed.


Never underestimate the time you need to reach the workplace. You might think it only takes one hour to travel to the office. In fact, if calculated with a traffic jam, schedule an indeterminate public transportation, vehicles breaking down or a flat tire and other unforeseen events, travel time increases automatically.

Finding lost objects 

Keys, wallet, phone or glasses stuck somewhere when you want to go to the office, can make the trip be delayed until you arrive too late. To fix this, define a special place to store important items you need. For example, in a drawer or cabinet. Restore the objects fit into place each time after use.

Hating the workplace 

If you feel sick of the job and the office situation, I wonder if you want to delay as long as possible to show up there. This is a clear signal that you need to think about making major life changes.

Tips Changing Job Overtime So Fun

Tips Changing Job Overtime So Fun. Spent more than 8 hours a day at the office is definitely not your favorite activity. You hope when you're back at exactly 5 (Teng Go!) And then gather with friends or relaxing at home. But that does not mean end of the world, if you are forced to 'stay' in the office right? Overtime actually can be fun too, provided you know how. Here is a surefire tips to change the overtime become engrossed: 

1. Music. Music is inseparable from our lives, including when working overtime. Because music can also enhance the mood of your work. Instead, listen to upbeat music with a beat for added excitement. Avoid lilting song (melo) if you do not want to fall asleep or feel even more miserable.

2. Stomach contents. Overtime is fine, but do not forget the affairs of the stomach. How can focus to complete the task if you continue to wriggle hungry stomach? Allow yourself to be the time in the afternoon for tea time. Choose foods that are quite filling but not too heavy, because the glut can make you drowsy.

3. Hourly prizes. Work continuously without a break just going to torture you. Try, give 'gift' to yourself every hour with fresh air outside the office. Just a light chat with colleagues, security office or send sms with a girlfriend. However, do not be too long a break to finish on time. 

4. Motivation. One effective way to make overtime feels light is to think about things that are fun. Can overtime pay and not have to spend weekends at the office, for example. Guaranteed, the mood was gloomy so brightly again. Keep the spirit! 

5. Exciting Interludes. Too late after long hours working in the office? Encourage other colleagues, who also overtime, to have fun for a while. Instead of bending the Bete and face, better photos abuzz with pretentious poses a serious work or crazy as well. Laughing or singing together out loud or karaoke bole is fine, provided it does not interfere with the concentration of colleagues from other work units.

Signs of Getting Failed Jobs

Signs of Getting Failed Jobs. Remember, the interviewer will always examine the applicants of her application, when answering the call by telephone, and during a live interview. Well, so you sure can pass the initial screening, should be careful with the general characteristics of applicants who failed like this: 

1. No home address, home phone, or e-mail addressIf the interviewer can not reach you, he will not hire you. Without basic information and an easy way to contact you, so they are interested, the opportunity you have been missing. 

2. Lapse of time when unemployedIf the time interval between the time of your previous work long enough, you should be prepared to give reasons. Make sure you are honest and ready with all the information needed. Certainly, companies are interested to find out. 

3. The reason negative or equivocalGive a positive outlook and detailed, why did you leave your previous job. When you give a negative answer and unclear, the interviewer will immediately cross out your name. 

4. Inconsistent answersIf the same question asked repeatedly in different ways, you must give the same answer and consistent. The answer is inconsistent and inconclusive will give a negative impression to the interviewer. 

5. Expectations are not realisticAre you interested in a business trip, a short distance, large salaries, or other expectations are not realistic? If so, this could be dangerous. Importantly, prepare yourself by showing an intention to work, as well as a realistic amount of salary if asked during the interview process. 

6. Less preparationPrepare yourself by finding out the background of the company you want to go, and develop questions that you may encounter. Prepare well, and give a positive impression to the interviewer. 

7. There was no career goals or personal lifeHow and where will you in two and five years? Before getting into the interview room, you must have clear goals and objectives of the personal life and your career. Convey this information at the right time. This will show the interviewer, your attention is sufficiently focused and have a specific direction in their careers. 

8. Negative or rebellious attitudeShow a positive mental attitude. Smile, firm handshake and eye contact. When you give a negative reaction to the question posed, you are doomed to fail. Do not dictate what to do, simply collect information and insight to keep the interview process continues. If the interviewer to give negative information to you, do not react, just record it for later.

Tips - Quickly Get Work

Tips - Quickly Get Work. Got a job for someone who has graduated from college is a dream. But often the work we want is not always achieved. Here are tips to quickly get a job.

1. Find Information Regarding A total of Field Work that may be interesting for you. The first thing you should do is job hunting information. Because information jobs will not come to you by itself. Use all available media resources such as: 1) Newspapers. The newspaper is the most popular media in terms of providing job information. So you do not miss, try to subscribe to newspapers or to subscribe to the newspaper more save for Saturday and Sunday, which contains more than job advertisements the other day, 2) the Internet. You can browse the Internet, joining sites or job seekers are like, and complete it by selling themselves through the creation of your personal blog (allowing you to be known also by the provider of job) , 3) University. Frequently you visit your campus, because it is not uncommon these companies hiring in publications put there.

2. Finding Employment Opportunities That Fit Your Target. There is so much information jobs, vacancies pililah which roughly correspond to your ability and qualifications, that the opportunity to be called for tests to be bigger, choose a job with the needs of the beginner stage employees (entry level) or a fresh graduate. Usually this kind of vacancy accept applicants with work experience little or no experience.

3. Take advantage of opportunities to meet face With People Who Are Looking for Employees. Use the opportunities that come your way. If the hearing of vacancies being opened in the company of a friend temapt work, do not hesitate to ask for help to be reunited with the company. It opens your network. Also try to meet face to the people who work in fields that you want it. Who knows in the next step, you must be interviewed by them about specific job fields.

4. Meet Alumni Working In The Field You Want. There is so much information about the job and about how the work will be wrestled nantinyadari the brother of your class in college. Who knew there was someone who had a job during the time you want. Therefore, do not hesitate to come and join the alumni event.

5. Use the Family Connection. If you usually lazy to come to family events now be diligent to come. Who knows, in the company where cousin or other relative who works, there are vacancies that are opened but not publicly announced to the public.

6. Use Community Relations. If you have a hobby in some way, you'll want even more active in the community, do not even shut down. For example, community bikes, photography community, etc. futsal community. Because in that community, you will meet many people from various backgrounds work. There you can create networks, business networks and obtain information that may not be published openly by their company. Remember jargon statement that, "Many business problems solved on the golf course"

7. Job Hunting Preparation Learn. You need to study everything related to finding a job, start making a good cover letter, resume, professional employees Acceptance Test Material, Clothing Interview, Job Interview Procedure, etc., remember this is not taught at all in the lecture bench. Because based on experience, would be very regrettable loss and, if you throw away the opportunity to undergo testing because of unpreparedness and only small errors you.

8. Evaluation. Get used to always do the evaluation after the testing / interview you do. Think as if you have not accepted his time working at the company where you just do the testing / interview tersebut.Perdalam back the things you think you are experiencing difficulties, such as psychological or keitka focus group discussion. Interospeksi yourself, keep practicing and looking for good references through books, the internet or ask friends. So that quality, you can continue to increase and the more ready to compete from testing to testing the other (learning by doing). Because experience is the most useful teacher.

Job Search Tips - Tricks Finding a Job on the Internet

Job Search Tips - Tricks Finding a Job on the Internet. Here I am sharing with you some tips on looking for work on the net or tricks to find a job on the internet. As we all know that the development of the digital world can indeed make things easier, including to seek jobs. But the problem is the difficulty in the process of looking for work in accordance with the educational background and our previous careers. 

You can spend countless hours skating on the internet (cyberspace) to get a job. No wonder after that comes a sense of tired and bored and endless despair. Now that things are not happening, try following some tips and tricks so that the process of finding a job become more effective and efficient: 

1. Determine the target - Know what career you want most. It is very important for you to make the search target the desired job. Make targets per day, at least every day you should get two vacancies to cool so that your time is not wasted.

Research - Do your research and "bookmarks" job sites that you think have credibility. Do not forget to always visit the sites of large corporations. Usually large companies, has its own career channel and announce vacancies through the canal.

Take advantage of job search engines - Maximize the job search engines found on job sites. Use keywords that directly refer to the job you want. If you do not find, just look at the vacancy that was quite interesting for you. Try to focus when looking for work in cyberspace. Do while doing other activities. It is very important that your attention is not divided.

Use social networking sites - Do not just use social networking sites (such as facebook, twitter, etc.) for the happy-senag only. You can "sell themselves" and get the job done faster. Make a strong network with friends or people who may have vacancies that match info for you.

Make your resume attractive - Try to be more creative in creating a resume both in the design and content. This could lead to interest people to know you more deeply. If you want to send a letter of application, make sure everything is organized well. Starting from the language, layout, until the complete document.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tips - New Working Environment

Tips - New Working Environment. Getting a new job a challenge. But to re-adjust at the venue is not easy.

Here are some tips that can be done in the new workplace:

Have Friends
Have a friend or at least one partner who is close to you can make you feel comfortable in the team. In a team when you can make friends, then you can be more appreciated and will be less awkward.

Work, work and work
As the new kids who have not fully understand the job, it takes hard work to expand knowledge about the job and improve your work capacity. In addition, with more aggressive in the early to come to work, you will more quickly master your work.

Do not forget to introduce yourself
Do not expect, that someone else will first introduce himself. If you are friendly with new work colleagues, they would more quickly get to know you and no longer considered a new kid.

Not doing anything stupid
Especially when you have not gotten a job, avoid to play games on your desk or home early because they feel have not got a job.

Not too many jokes
In a job that takes people seriously. If you terlau often make jokes, you will be deemed to be unprofessional

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tips - First Day of Work Success

Tips - First Day of Work Success. Although sedentary work is not new anymore, but still, the first day of work at the new office was creepy. You must be wondering what kind of work environment and character of the people in your new office. Rather than make its own conclusions, you better prepare yourself on the first day of work.  

1. Don't Late
Quoted How Stuff Works, to avoid being late, the day before you should experiment to come to the office. Calculate the distance and road conditions in your working hours. So you can estimate the latency.

2. Professional Clothing
While you work at a company that does not have many rules about clothes, but still must uphold the value of modesty. Reporting from WaToday, Katie Robert, a career consultant explained the employee must appear professional. Avoid using the t-shirts, low-collared shirt and flip-flops.

3. Attach a Smile
With a smile, you are judged as being friendly. Quoted All Women's Talk, hospitable with colleagues is fine, but do not spit personal life at work. Since you do not know the true character of your teammates.

4. Ask Tasks
Immediately ask your boss to explain your job duties. Do not be shy to ask if you do not understand it and write down all the information there.

5. Bring Lunch
You definitely do not know all office locations and situations and characters not yet mengatahui coworkers. So make sure you bring your own lunch just in case if no one invites you to lunch or other colleagues were outside the office.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Enjoy Your Job !

Enjoy Your Job ! Work is something that is sometimes lazy to you live but due to the demands of life, then inevitably you have to run it. So that work can feel at home and needed menyanangkan self effort and support from the social environment in the office where you work. Here is how to prevent stress at work : 

1. Stay close to the office / easy access 
Living in a home away from office requires a strong effort to go to the office and go home. If too much fear can make your body tired when he arrived at the office and collapsed when I got home. Perhaps by choosing the location of residence is just steps away from the workplace can make your life more refreshed without having to think about the long journey that must be taken every day. 

2. Do not bring home work 
At home it is time you run a social life, so you must avoid overtime at home to bring jobs, especially involving family members to help complete the tasks of the office. This could lead to problems of social relationship with the wife / husband, children, parents, neighbors, and so forth. 

3. Familiar with colleagues, superiors and subordinates familial 
If your friends and superiors in the office you think is already like family, then you can be comfortable working and will help and support if you have constraints in the work. Keep your relationship with your boss or supervisor familiar and not mutually jaim (keeping image) like a friend or parent, but you still respect him and respect when he's angry. 

4. Working for worship is not just a money 
Do not forget to practice your while performing office duties such as mandatory prayer, prayer circumcision, fasting obligatory, sunna fasting, and others. If you work sincerely for the sake of God and not many expect a great reward, then your work will be quiet, comfortable, peaceful, peaceful and carefree. 

5. Always looking for ways to simplify the job 
Always think of new ways and methods that can make the job take a long time that had so briefly. Try to learn new technologies, features / formula the new office, joined the seminar, try a trial error, asked to the senior or specialist, and others. 

6. Looking for better job opportunities 
Maybe it could be your current position in the office does not fit with yours horizontally. Suppose you like to work in the field but you placed the company behind the computer screen continuously throughout the day. Try to express your steam with the HRD placement problem, maybe they could help. It could also just show your ability and dedication to the company because it could be if there is a vacant position, you could consider the company to rise to fill the position. 

7. Not rely on the work 
If the condition of the company was broke down, then you can take heart because of sports-related survival of you and your family. But if you have any other business you can be calm even if your office is going bankrupt and broke up the road. In his spare time think about the business opportunities and what you can run in accordance with the capital you have. Do not be afraid to try if you live a sideline that has not been successful alias failed. 

8. Fill recess / free time with useful / useful 
At recess should not be spent for things that are not as important as playing the game alone, hanging out in warteg, work continues, the activity of milking personnel, and others. Fill your free time in the office with things that can support your job like a nap, eating with co-workers, nbobrol with many friends, eye wash, roads, paved side business, and many other useful activities. 

9. Leaving a bad corporate culture 
Sometimes there is the prevailing culture within the company that can make employees uncomfortable and can make the headache / stress. Examples of such junior must respect and uphold the senior, limiting social relationships, stingy to spend money for pleasure employee, the employee arbitrarily, and so forth. 

10. Diligent joking 
Salama work and work breaks do not hurt you to joke with people that are around you to break the ice. As long as it is done in a reasonable corridor and does not interfere with work, then joked that sound is fine. A lot of joking and laughter can enhance friendships, eliminating the burden of thinking, make the body and mind so fresh, and others. 

11. Master the field of work and problems 
Learn the problems that may occur when you work, then look for the technical-engineering the best solution. Later, when you take into account problems that have emerged, at least you've got your version of the best solution that you can practice without wasting much time to think. If you work diligently been acquainted with you from a to z, then you will more quickly get the job done and do not require much thought. 

12. Resolve conflicts with a cool head and deliberation 
Conflict at work is usually a good thing happening between employees and employees and between employees and companies. For this reason if you are in a conflict, you must finish it as soon as possible with a win win solution without violence by consensus. If there is a problem with a calm finish without the emotion that the settlement went without raises new problems. 

13. Bring items that you like or entertain
Nothing wrong with you bring a frame family photos, favorite dolls, ornaments, unique ornaments, accessories cute, unique atk-unique, hobby magazines, your favorite snacks, and others. Create a setting as comfortable as possible with work or your work space according to what you want, but still reasonable nyeleneh not. 

If all kinds of efforts you have done, but there was no significant change in the time you are depressed, so it's good to begin to look for another job that suits your talents and interests. Who knows with the changing jobs at a new place can make you happy and unseen.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Become Leader on Working

Become Leader on Working. LEADERSHIP : A good leader knows how to solve the problem, and can recognize when to ask for help to others. Events that involve your colleagues in the office can help improve morale and working relationships. 

Each company in dire need of a capable leader and has strong skills.
Here are suggestions on how to become a leader in the organization you manage, and how to make yourself become increasingly valuable.

1. Notify Supervisor Subordinate When doing a good job

If someone does a remarkable job, notify their supervisor. Often communication with face to face the results are good, even an e-mail can be effective. Notify appropriate supervisor if committed by subordinates have a maximum or far above normal standards. This will affect the increased status of employees in the workplace and often so, and employees will eventually realize who give awards and recommendations.

2. Willing and Eager To Collaborate With Teams 

I used to be a loner and tend to avoid jobs that involve teamwork. Although I finally realized that working in teams is the only best opportunity to build strong relationships with the people around you. The more you participate in the team it will be more and more that will see you as a reliable and trustworthy.

3. Take Part In Team - But Do not Be Dictator 

My approach is very simple. If I was part of a newly formed team, I will immediately determine the pace and make plans, then send it to others to consider. Unless someone tore it up, generally more or less this will be a plan and I will become a recognized leader of the group.
You usually talk for those who are shy to speak up or express ideas, and they feel like you do when you're not forced about it. Normally I would do something like put a rough plan and told them, 'This is my idea for how we deal with this. What do you all? "

4. Also Celebrating Achievement and Job Performance Bottoms 

A man who once worked with me has a calendar where he kept his birthday his friends and two kinds of their favorite products from the vending machine. On the birthday of his friend, he went to the machine and put $ 2 into it, then handed to his can of soda and a pack of snacks which are two of the friends and favorite products with a wide smile said, "Happy birthday!".
This is a small thing, but has deep meaning and very wise. No wonder if he is well liked by friends in the group and often their opinions are heard and respected whenever he had an idea or plan. Also not surprisingly, he did very well in his present life.
Take two minutes to recognize what has been achieved and the spotlight the lives of others. If you can, watch and explore their experiences. Find a way to make everyone smile. Do this and you will always win.

5. Resolving Problems Until Completed 

If you find a problem that can easily break, eating solve it. Do not worry about the political connotations or something like that. If someone comes to you with a problem and you feel able to solve it without too much effort, then finish the matter to its conclusion.
The more often you resolve problems that exist, the more people see you as a source of answers to problem solving and the more they will listen to your advice or whatever you say.

6. Ask for Help 

Sometimes there are times when you need help. Some people are afraid to show weakness and avoid asking for help unless absolutely essential. It is not unreasonable and will not be efficient. If there are certain elements that can be committed by others is much easier than you can, get some help to them (unless, of course, it will add work for them). If you have consistently helped others, by themselves they will help you.

7. Create Event Involving Employees 

Be someone who can embrace the group for lunch. Involve yourself in work planning the office party - or even become president. Plan a party for people who will soon leave office. This does not mean you have to do it all yourself, but develop your own plan. People will see you as someone who takes charge - and such an event is easy to attract others to work together.

8. Put forward suggestions Useful 

In a busy world, it is very easy to say, "looks good!" when someone wants feedback on something. Instead, try to meditate for 10 minutes and point out three things that can support the improvement. Before you express your suggestions, dahulukanlah with honors, then pointed out three suggestions in a clear and positive as possible, and end by saying something such as a desire to change something very good into something really great.
If your suggestion is really helpful, they'll come back to see you as someone who could be relied upon even in a difficult situation though.

9. Tell me honestly - do not Sifting through word 

When you are asked for an opinion, say honestly, do not sort out the words. Your honest opinion is much more valuable than pretending to agree - even if it's bad, you should not feel offended. I usually try their best praise, but if there are serious problems with what I see, I'll say. If it does not say it will hurt co-workers (because they present a poor opinion) but from the point of association, will hurt you (because you told them a poor opinion of this good when it finally is like throwing an egg to their faces).
These little things, when done every day it will make you indirectly become indispensable in the workplace, and as a person, people will see you as being a leader.

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Themes by Bonard Alfin l Information For Job Seekers